Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I just walked past 2 white girls talking about.... KOOL-AID!!!!!


...'til later...


F**k A Tweet.... lmao

So I've been thinking about it, and as of right now, I'm against joining twitter...

Now here is my very selfish reason.... you ready....

When it comes to all things NYe., all things PassengerFlow!, when anyone anywhere is wondering what's going on in my world, I want them to come HERE first... lol

It makes sense, right?... see right now I'm all about the quick, random post, especially since I set up my mobile bloggin' joint (which I'm using right now)... and that would basically be a tweet, and if I used twitter, I'd just be promoting them, and I'd much rather just promot my blog, so it works in my favor....

.... just got to make this blog more popular lol... it'll happen...soon enough, soon enough

...'til later...


Look who's here.../ Friends, how many of us have them

Hello web world... or the 3 other people besides myself that read Ron's blog.
It is I, the best friend and brother from another mother know as Ra. He put me on so now and then I'll be dropping whatever random thoughts I'm having for you visual and intellectual enjoyment. I'm a kinda bugged person with some strange experiences in life so this might be interesting. I started writing this not sure what I was going to drop here but what's coming to mind right now is the creator of this blog. Mainly because he put me on it and I just got off the phone with him.

So here goes...
My current profile picture... should be in the dictionary under the phrase "best friend". Even fictional best friends don't touch us. We're the real deal, complete with secret hand shake and buddy phrase. Me and this guy go way back and I don't know where either of us would be without the other. Over the years we have developed a dynamic that I influence him with my free spirit while he keeps my crazy ass grounded, basically completing a balance. We share so many inside jokes we could write a book on them. But we never will, cause then they would cease to be inside jokes (duh!). I've been through so much with this dude, the phrase "growing up together" almost doesn't do it justice. As he stated in his intro we also are working on music; some of which will be posted on this blog soon. Nye willing that is. I'm happy about where that is going, he's nice, constantly making me want to step up my game. One thing he told me he once said about us is that he doesn't think he'll ever find another person so similar to him but yet different in so many ways, I agree. But before I get all mushy about this, I'll get to something else, I just thought my first order of business should be to shout out my boy. Love you kid (pause, lmao).


I was going to post the 5th grade class pic but the world doesn't need to see that, right?

...'til later...
\\\That Guy Ra.///

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mobile Bloggin'... Yay!

Iight, so this is my test run at mobile bloggin...

...this should work... if it all goes well, I'll be able to blog more often, on some spur-of-the-moment type ish, which should be interesting haha...

...Back off Hiatus...

Soooo.... hey! long time no blog... lol

Senior spring is crazy... so sorry to the couple of people who read this for not updating in a while, but its coming back...

also, look for some new insight, opinions, thoughts coming from a new blogger... gonna add my boy Ra to the mix and get this blog going with some new interesting posts from another stimulated mind... ha!

...'til later...
\\\ya boy NYe.///

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Solange- T.O.N.Y.

so turns out Solange is actually mad good lol... def slept on her when she first tried to come out, but she is def not a little Beyonce like I thought... she has a real nice sound, and has def come into her own with her second album... clearly I am mad late on this because her album came out in Aug 2008... titled "Sol-Angel and the Hadley St. Dreams", I just saw this video (which I am assuming is her latest single)... she sounds real good, and she looks even better lol...

"Sol-angel..." just might have to get copped, I also like I Decided: Part 2...

Kid CuDi, I see you... that's how you know you're whats up... you get to be the significant other in the music video... I wanna be that lol... Rihanna holla, Solange holla, Keri holla (I see you Kanye in that Make Love video)... like when you are not on the song and they just want you to act in the video, I think that is a good look and says something about your celebrity and swag...

...sigh, one day... one day... lol

...'til later...
\\\ya boy NYe.///