Friday, May 1, 2009


So right now I'm sitting in the room of one of my best friends chilling in Worcester Massachusetts at Clark U. Gonna swing by Amherst to see ya boy Nye on Saturday. Chilling with these guys always makes me reminisce. And in the midst of thinking about how far we've come I started thinking seriously about where we are going. It's kinda setting in that in the next few weeks and months all of my friends will be taking their last college classes. We're all one step away from tripping and falling flat on our faces in the real world. For some this is that scary part of life cause lets be honest, there are 3 types of people at this point. Those who've had a dream job since they learn their alphabet and have spent their whole lives pursuing it. Those who in up in some kind of job after college and end up sticking with it because of comfort. Then there are those who take what they see and find their own way. Now depending on where you went to school there may be different proportions of the first but i think the vast majority of us fall in the second 2. AND THAT'S OKAY! That kinda the way it's been. We don't know whats gonna happen tomorrow but as long as your trying to do something, something will get done. Take whatever opportunity you have in front of you and see where it takes you. If it doesn't work out, fine, you're still young. I don't worry, and I have no idea what I'm gonna be doing a year from now. NOT A CLUE. I'm just trying to enjoy myself. I'm 22 years old. That means I'm officially IN my 20's I'm gonna have fun cause I don't wanna wake up one day and suddenly be 30, feeling like I wasted my youth. I'm gonna find my own way in life and I most likely won't use my degree. Don't get me wrong I kinda do know the WHAT of my life's goals but still trying to figure out the HOW. My friends are already staring out to do big things. Some are doing huge things like making Hollywood movies or going to Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar (yeah, really). I accept them for the special cases as they are and as inspiration that things can come together in my life. Come August, I am officially at the mercy of the fabled "real world" and you know what, we'll just have to see how that goes. All I can say for sure is that I will face it with my head up and without fear. I hope if you are in similar shoes as me you'll do the same. We're gonna make it.

...'til later...
\\\That Guy Ra.///

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