Saturday, June 13, 2009

Only In New York....

Via mobile

So I'm on my way to BK after being in the studio with the kids from my internship all day... I hop on the 2 train and I randomly meet up with Ra and his brother... so that's like an only in New York moment in itself...

...but we on the train, and this man walks on and starts playing his guitar, and singing about people standing next to him, real funny too... so that's an only in New York moment as well...

... but THEN a man standing next to us, out of nowhere just starts talking and he's like "I'm really sorry to do this, but can ya spare 5 or 10 cents" and he's like buggin out, kinda has that crackhead bop going on... and that's the real OD only in New York moment...

...sidenote... the dude playing the guitar, when he's asking for money he says "I take donations, I have 3 kids at home and they all need iPods"... lmao

...'til later...
\\\Ya Boy NYe.///

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