Sunday, July 5, 2009

"I like the sunrise"

I wacthed the sun rise on my city early this morning with a free slice of pizza and $20 more than I came out with. Last night wasn't what I excepted it to be I was out with 2 friends. 1 male 1 female. It honestly consisted of wandering and singing and danceing through the streets of my beloved city to our own renditions of Michael Jackson tunes.

Side note: I love Michael Jackson. When I was born he was already an international superstar. HE WAS ALREADY A GOD! His music has been there my whole life and his career is an inspiration to everyone who aspires to be an artist. His career redefined and reformated what a music career could be. To me he was larger than life. The only person I've ever forgotten was human. Everything about him: his talent, his lifestyle, his appearence, his fans, were so beyond anything we commonly know. He was one of a kind and accepting that not only is he just like the rest of us but that he is gone is a task that may prove to be impossilble. However, my personal sorrow of his loss can not compare to my mothers. She recalls watching the Ed Sullivan Show and seeing the Jackson 5, led by little Michael, the world totally ignorant of what he would become. To love him and his music for this long and observe his transtion as it happened is something I can not concive. As hard as it is. It is reality. Requim In Pace: Michael Joe Jackson 1958-2009

With that said, back to the story…

So we talked and danced and talked of our favorite Michael songs them we heard the sound of "Billie Jean" eminating from a hotel room, we attepmted to get into the party but my 2 friends were not dressed in acceptible attire according to the bouncers standards. So we wondered somemore. After walking North for some time my friend stated that he knew a "funny bar" in the area. I wasn't sure what he meant but I had to use the bathroom so I figured why not. When we got to block I look around and I notice that the block is really gay. Not in the slang sence, it's REALLY GAY not that I have a problem with that, it's just not my territory. Anyway I relictantly entered the bar and my friend says "and this is the place where I had my first bartending gig". Nice. As cool as I am with it I don't know if I could do that job, like I said, just not my territory. Anyway the guy behind the bar claimed that he didn't recognize my friend ever working there whiched pissed him off so we left after more walking and talking they decided to go home. I had other plans. I love my city and girl I get with can consider herself a misstress. One of my favorite activities is to put on some music and stripe through the aveneues of my beloved. Tonights sound track- "The Very Best of John Coltrane". I walked down Broadway from Times Square to Astor Place. Around 28th street I think I saw sirens up ahead. I kept kept walking til I got to the origin. It was a club, something had gone down and a guy was on a streacher getting put into an amblulance. I pause to examine the scence and when I glanced down there was a $20 bill at my feet. I guess someone was drunk and pulled out a wad at the food vender on the block. This was reminescent of two summers ago when I found money on separate occasions which ended up equiling over $150. I'm good at finding money, hopfully this the the start of a good trend. After walking a couple of blocks more I observed yet another ambulance in front of a club, this time with a young lady as the unfortunate party in the streacher. No money to be found this time though. The rest of the walk to Astor Place was pretty uneventful. I simply enjoyed the soundtrack provided by John. My game plan was to take the M1 bus up which ends up right on my block. I looked at the bus schedule and saw I had some time before the bus came so I decided to get a bit to eat. I figures the pizzaria on St. Marks would do. Because of the cash I just found I decdied to spurge- TWO TOPPING PIZZA! YEAH! (hey for New York that's splurging) As I approached the pizzeria I saw people around a guy with a guitar in one of the open the doorways. When I got there he was playing and singing ”Waterfalls” by TLC. With the peole around him singing along. There was one woman who was really into it, she even knew Left Eyes rap verse. So I odered my pepperoni and mushroom pizza and considered getting a beverage. While I was waiting for them to finsh heating my slice up one of my fellow patrons asked if I knew of any after hours spots. I told him about one spot I knew about that was open 24 hrs and was a short walk away. While I was having the conversation my pizza came. I noticed that no cost was presented for my slice, I proptly dipped before they noticed their error. I sat in door way at the first stop of and M1 bus and ate. Then it began, the sun rose on my love and I watched her come to life. My Coltrane album had finished at this point so for this moment I put on Blackstar "Respiration" my New York anthem. My chariot arrived to take me home and I rode and dozed off a bit. I goof home with a full stomach and more money than I came out with …I love this town

…'Til later
\\\That Guy Ra///

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